Monday, October 09, 2006

Are you an up and coming creative enterprise working from home?

Now Creative entrepreneurs have the opportunity to join a face to face and online community at the same time.

HybridLab (the online web channel celebrating creative enterprise, part of IEA) presents HybridLab Spaces, an innovative incubation project that aims to provide independent start-ups, creative individuals, students and small production companies the chance to use industry standard equipment in a social environment where they can network and meet like-minded individuals who share their creative passion.

Get everything you need for professional work:

  • Space - to work, to hold meetings
  • Equipment - to do the most advanced media work
  • Training - to receive expert advice on your project
  • Online visibility - to help broaden your networks to collaborators and clients etc

Membership is just £100 per year

1 comment:

Debz said...

This sounds like a fab idea. I have been designing at home for a while now, but I have missed out on opportunities because I just haven't had the equipment. I would also love to meet some ppl that I can get advise from. Pls keep me updated with when and where this will happen and what equipment would be available.

thanx debz