Monday, October 09, 2006

Are you an up and coming creative enterprise working from home?

Now Creative entrepreneurs have the opportunity to join a face to face and online community at the same time.

HybridLab (the online web channel celebrating creative enterprise, part of IEA) presents HybridLab Spaces, an innovative incubation project that aims to provide independent start-ups, creative individuals, students and small production companies the chance to use industry standard equipment in a social environment where they can network and meet like-minded individuals who share their creative passion.

Get everything you need for professional work:

  • Space - to work, to hold meetings
  • Equipment - to do the most advanced media work
  • Training - to receive expert advice on your project
  • Online visibility - to help broaden your networks to collaborators and clients etc

Membership is just £100 per year

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Hybridlab spaces is a service that offers creative individuals of all ages the chance use high quality equipment and be in an environment encouraging social interaction leading to innovative thought. Hybridlab spaces, putting the individual, first will provide great service at a competitive cost

With both a strong functional quality and strong technical quality hybridlab spaces will become the market leader in its service class.

HybridLab presents HybridLab Spaces, an innovative incubation project that aims to provide independent start-ups, creative individuals, students and small production companies the chance to use industry standard equipment in a social environment where they can network and meet like-minded individuals who share their creative passion.

HybridLab Spaces creates specialist surroundings that nurture and encourage innovation within the creative industries across multimedia platforms. Members of the HybridLab Spaces project will benefit from belonging to this community of creative thinkers.

For those independent creative individuals and companies seeking to gain entry into the creative industries or currently working within them, HybridLab Spaces offers its members services including:

Individuals can benefit from becoming a part of a thriving creative community that offers essential critical advice and encourages innovative thought.

Build Portfolio
Network whilst becoming familiar with popular industry equipment and software, and take advantage of the various opportunities to build up your personal portfolio.

Profile Page
HybridLab Spaces members will also receive a profile page showcasing their portfolios, achievements to date, professional services, recommendations and contact details.

Professional Equipment
Using the latest technology in a served environment, creative minds will receive access to modern workstations and software (e.g. the Adobe family suite, Final Cut Pro, AVID, Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, Pro Tool HD, Logic, Cubase, etc.), as well as technical support from helpful and efficient staff.

Low Costs
Access to specialised industry standard software, equipment, technical support, business and creative networks at competitive prices.

Helping build your reach: HybridLab Spaces Profile Page

As mentioned Hybridlab spaces provides a chance to become part of a community and meet like-minded people who can help with projects. Importantly, each HybridLab Spaces member will have a Profile Page showcasing what they do and contact details. For small production companies, such a network will prove to be invaluable.

A HybridLab space is not just for start-ups. It is for any person who perhaps is starting off in their particular industry but does have the financial capital to obtain industry standard hardware. It is here where HybridLab Spaces differs from other services, as it is ensured that the software and hardware are exactly what any creative person would need.

Cost of membership for the year is £100.00 with an additional £3.00 per hour for hardware hire [including Mac G4 and G5’]. The basic £100 allows a member to use his or her own laptop to connect to the high-speed large bandwidth Internet facility.

The first phase of the project begins on November 30th and we are therefore seeking independent creative start-ups, small production companies, individuals or artists and Higher Education students looking for space to complete their own projects, whilst building and extending their creative or business networks.

Anti spam: Do NOT contact me offering services or anything of a commercial nature


Hybridlab spaces is a service that offers creative individuals of all ages the chance use high quality equipment and be in an environment encouraging social interaction leading to innovative thought. Hybridlab spaces, putting the individual, first will provide great service at a competitive cost

With both a strong functional quality and strong technical quality hybridlab spaces will become the market leader in its service class.

HybridLab presents HybridLab Spaces, an innovative incubation project that aims to provide independent start-ups, creative individuals, students and small production companies the chance to use industry standard equipment in a social environment where they can network and meet like-minded individuals who share their creative passion.

HybridLab Spaces creates specialist surroundings that nurture and encourage innovation within the creative industries across multimedia platforms. Members of the HybridLab Spaces project will benefit from belonging to this community of creative thinkers.

For those independent creative individuals and companies seeking to gain entry into the creative industries or currently working within them, HybridLab Spaces offers its members services including:

Individuals can benefit from becoming a part of a thriving creative community that offers essential critical advice and encourages innovative thought.

Build Portfolio
Network whilst becoming familiar with popular industry equipment and software, and take advantage of the various opportunities to build up your personal portfolio.

Profile Page
HybridLab Spaces members will also receive a profile page showcasing their portfolios, achievements to date, professional services, recommendations and contact details.

Professional Equipment
Using the latest technology in a served environment, creative minds will receive access to modern workstations and software (e.g. the Adobe family suite, Final Cut Pro, AVID, Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, Pro Tool HD, Logic, Cubase, etc.), as well as technical support from helpful and efficient staff.

Low Costs
Access to specialised industry standard software, equipment, technical support, business and creative networks at competitive prices.

Helping build your reach: HybridLab Spaces Profile Page

As mentioned Hybridlab spaces provides a chance to become part of a community and meet like-minded people who can help with projects. Importantly, each HybridLab Spaces member will have a Profile Page showcasing what they do and contact details. For small production companies, such a network will prove to be invaluable.

A HybridLab space is not just for start-ups. It is for any person who perhaps is starting off in their particular industry but does have the financial capital to obtain industry standard hardware. It is here where HybridLab Spaces differs from other services, as it is ensured that the software and hardware are exactly what any creative person would need.

Cost of membership for the year is £100.00 with an additional £3.00 per hour for hardware hire [including Mac G4 and G5’]. The basic £100 allows a member to use his or her own laptop to connect to the high-speed large bandwidth Internet facility.

The first phase of the project begins on November 30th and we are therefore seeking independent creative start-ups, small production companies, individuals or artists and Higher Education students looking for space to complete their own projects, whilst building and extending their creative or business networks.

Anti spam: Do NOT contact me offering services or anything of a commercial nature